Repair Works
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It has been 6 years since our MCC buildings exist and are home to our MCC children. And there are more to come. All of them are exposed to heavy rain fall and normal wear and tear by the people living in them. Our MCC partners in Kenya have performed an inventory and soon have come to the conclusion that there is work to be done: the roof needs to be repaired, the bathrooms have to be finished, the fundament of the buildings need to be dried. The rabbit huches and chicken house need to be fixed and new animals need to be bought.

Who will take care of this you might ask. Well, due to the Corona crisis everyone focused on a) the health of all MCC residence as well as visitors and children and their families in the community and on b) the make up of the lost school year. Our partners in Kenya are looking for someone who can help with repairs and lifestock, the only problem is that there are only a few competent professionals and to find them is even more tricky. So the question who will take care of ongoing repair needs cannot be answered yet, unfortunately.

Or can it? Are you someone competent and interested in doing voluntary work in Kenya and help with the above-mentioned repairs? We would be grateful for your efforts! Please contact us.

undichte Stellen im Dach
additional rainwater tank


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