MCC Water Well Project

Until 2017 the MCC derived its water from a well in the village, which, however, proved unreliable and finally gave out altogether. This was the genesis of an idea to ensure an independent supply of water; at once, research commenced and calculations were made on site. This idea transformed into a concrete plan after doing some initial test drilling on the area of the MCC and commissioning a subsequent survey report. The water quality was found to be suitable and its replenishment assured, which is why our solution came to be: let’s draw water from a depth of 160 meters.

Since a well to retrieve deep groundwater unfortunately constitutes an expensive investment, we once more had to rely on donations. This is why, in 2017, a number of schools, including the elementary schools of Baar-Ebenhausen and Oberstimm, the Gaimersheimer Gymnasium, the Lena-Christ-School, the Franz-Marc-Gymnasium in Markt Schwaben and the Theresien Gymnasium in Munich held their charity runs in support of the goal to provide the MCC’s children with clean drinking water. Thanks to generous donors and to pupils happy to run long distances, we managed to raise the 25.000€ necessary to install the water well.

Then, at the end of August 2017, the time had come—usage of the well could commence after a brief construction phase. Its pump is solar powered. The small photovoltaic unit generates an output of 3,5 kW to pump up the water. This is enough for a pump capacity of 5,000 liters an hour, which translates into about 84 liters per minute. So as to guarantee an adequate supply of water at night and on cloudy days, we erected a small water tower that contains two water tanks. This way fresh water is available around the clock.

 From the start it was clear that we wanted to make sure the entire village community—in addition to the Center and the school—had access to this water, since it is a precious commodity and forms the very basis of a healthy life. This is why we set up a „water service station“ where the entire village community can fill their canisters with fresh drinking water. Over time this has morphed into an organized system under the supervision of a local team which is responsible for keeping the filling post clean, making sure the pump is in good working order, keeping count of the amount of water drawn up, and for selling it. Clean water should be accessible for all and affordable by all, but since it is a precious good, we do not make it available for free and in unlimited quantities. Proceeds alternately go toward paying the team member „on guard“ and putting away reserve funds to erect new water service stations.

The Center and the school itself are being supplied via a system of pipes. In addition, the houses of local families are being connected to the water supply at the moment. We will be in a position to ascertain whether and how many more households can be connected to the water network as soon as the MCC’s boarding school has been completed, and we will then enlarge the network as needed.

In the end the well is a boon for the entire village community. Unlike before, now everyone can afford clean water, without running the risk of falling ill. Especially during the dry season, when even the area’s lakes and brooks no longer carry water, access to drinking water is maintained. Asante Sana to everyone who supported us and helped us realize this project!

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