Maisha Mazuri Primary School – 6 classes with 169 students
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Finally back to school! A statement you rarely hear from children. In Kenya, however, the situation is different. School and education are still seen as a privilege that is not always accessible for every child or young person. Therefore, the appreciation of school is very high among Kenyan children. Even more so now since schools stayed closed for the rest of 2020 due to Corona. The reopening in January 2021 is quite a big event for the entire country.

For our primary school in specific, we are very happy to welcome back 169 pupils divided into 6 classes. Some of them are so called “boarders” as they also stay overnight together with one matron and one patron.                    Moreover, another 33 children could return to our MCC-kindergarten.

The school system in Kenya is currently being changed. In the future, primary school will only last six years instead of eight. On the other side this means an extension of two years for children in secondary school, from four years to six years. The new rules will also apply to our secondary school, the Academy of Maisha Mazuri. With this change we are expecting new challenges for everyone, specifically for parents and children.

Finally, we have some more good news: Glorious, whom the children learnt to appreciate very much not only as matron at the MCC but also as teacher in our primary school, will now become the new director of the primary school itself. At the same time she will continue to take care of the MCC-children at night and on weekends. It is great to not just see the development of our children, but at the same time to observe how other members of the MCC-Family integrate and become central for the life on site.

Soccer is always possible even with masks and in smaller groups
example of a class room
example of a class room


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