Your Contribution

Even though the managers of our projects in Kenya have the ambition to make these projects self-sustaining, they do depend on additional help. This is why we founded the association Hand in Hand für Kenia e.V., since we have personally witnessed our Kenyan project managers’ dependability and commitment, an impression that our visits regularly re-confirm.

We are seeking contributors who feel a connection to the children and teenagers in Kenya and who wish to engage with our projects.
If you do not feel sufficiently informed after browsing our website or if you have any unanswered questions, please feel free to contact us. Simply click on the link and send an email to, or mail a letter to:

Barbara Hansen
Drosselweg 6
83533 Edling

Would you like to become a member?

You can enable us to plan our projects long-term by donating only 10 Euro a month. So as to keep you informed about our projects’ progression and current status, we will regularly send out a newsletter (click here for previous issues). Would you like to support our association „Hand in Hand für Kenia“ by becoming a member and making a monthly donation?
Click on the link and send us an email:

Instead of making a monthly donation to the association, we offer the alternative of entering into a Maisha Mazuri Partnership (MMP) which enables you to support a child by giving 30 Euro (or more) per month. More information about this is available under Becoming a partner.

Instead of making a monthly donation to the association, we offer the alternative of entering into a Maisha Mazuri Partnership (MMP) which enables you to support a child by giving 30 Euro (or more) per month. More information about this is available under Becoming a partner.

Would you like to make a donation?

We offer two avenues for sending your donations to us.
A fast, secure, and uncomplicated avenue is donation via PayPal.
Simply press the yellow button labeled “Donation” below. This will take you to PayPal.
There you can specify your desired amount and direct it to us in a convenient manner. Once your payment is complete, PayPal will allow you to print a receipt as proof of your donation.

Amount: EUR

Alternatively, you can wire your donation to us.

Our banking details are as follows:

Hand in Hand für Kenia e.V.
IBAN: DE48 7116 0000 0008 8614 98
Bank: Raiffeisenbank Rosenheim-Chiemsee

In order to receive a receipt when donating via wire transfer, please record your full address under “Intended Purpose.” We will then happily send a receipt to you by mail. The German internal revenue office accepts printed transfer vouchers for up to and including 300 Euro as proof of donation.

Where does the money go?

Hand in Hand für Kenia e.V. is a privately run nonprofit association, which does not retain any funds for administrative purposes. Truly all funds which the association receives as donations or membership fees are forwarded to Kenya.

No matter how you would like to contribute: Due to our intensive, personal contacts we can guarantee that your contribution truly reaches those who need it the most.  

We are thankful for each and every donation and express our heartfelt gratitude to you!

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© 2019 - 2025 Hand in Hand für Kenia e.V.