Repair Works

It has been 6 years since our MCC buildings exist and are home to our MCC children. And there are more to come. All of them are exposed to heavy rain fall and normal wear and tear by the people living in them. Our MCC partners in Kenya have performed an inventory and soon have …

The first two boarding school buildings are being built

Our home for the secondary-students has finally reached the next step: Thanks to the support of Sternstunden e.V. and Rotary München Hofgarten we are expecting constructions of the dormitories for girls and boys including bathrooms and toilets to be finished by the end of Easter Holidays. The following big progress will be the building of …

The end of a taboo subject – open talks for women

It is the aim of the Kenyan association Wezesha Binti Foundationto talk openly about subjects and matters addressing menstruation-problems for women. Until today, many girls and women in Kenya stay at home during their menstruation for a lack of pads, because of discomfort, shame, or superstition. They miss out on school or work for several …

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