MMP – Maisha Mazuri Partner – Partner for a better future
Children are the Maisha Mazuri Children Centre’s (MCC) reason for existence: children from the surrounding area, children from the slums of Nairobi, children who call the MCC their home! We do not only want to provide these children with a roof over their heads, we would like to offer them a life, a future to which all children should be entitled. However, this is not possible without your financial support.
It is our goal first and foremost to meet comprehensively all of the children’s needs when it comes to matters of preventative health care, schooling, nutrition, housing, and more, while at the same time enabling very personalized contact between the German donors and “their” children. This is why we have founded “Maisha Mazuri Partner (MMP) – Partner for a better life!”
The MMP is a sponsorship project, which purposefully supports the Centre’s children but also children from the local community and their families. We developed a special concept in close collaboration with and under the leadership of Jimmy Kilonzi and his association “Youth Support Kenia.” The FAQ below offers you a closer look at the MPP and provides detailed information as to what we hope to achieve with this project and how we will spend your money. Allow us to convince you and become a MMP, a Maisha Mazuri Partner – a Partner for a better life!
Jimmy Kilonzi is our local contact. Since 2003 he continuously supports projects for children in the slums of Nairobi. In 2009 he founded his public association „Youth Support Kenya“. Together with 2 social workers he is responsible for our Maisha Mazuri Program. Jimmy is a person that has for a long time worked on the ground, has gathered a lot of experience and therefore is predestined to manage our programme on site. For these reasons Jimmy Kilonzi has our full confidence.