An active secondary school summer

There is a lot of positive movement at the Senior Secondary School this summer 2024.
For the first time, the school and all those responsible organised a day dedicated entirely to sex education and health education.
By Kenyan standards, this was a very progressive event that was received with curiosity and openness by the 138 pupils.
The variety of topics ranged from ‘Changes in the growing body’ and ‘Pregnancy and abortion in teenage years’ to ‘Sexual violence’ and ‘Sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV and AIDS’.
The young people were able to develop existentially valuable basic knowledge in group work. It turned out that even the younger ones were able to tackle the topics of sexuality and health responsibly, sensibly and with surprising maturity.

But that was by no means all of the extra activities:
In addition to career counselling and an information day on choosing a course of study and university careers, there was another first in the form of an additional learning week offered to students during the holidays. All teachers agreed to prepare their students for the exams in intensive lessons outside of school hours. These extra lessons during the holidays were gratefully accepted; only one pupil was absent due to illness. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the intensive week will pay off and that all Form 4 students will now be optimistic about their final exams.

By the way, there is also positive news from the Academy’s agriculture. The fruit and vegetables are thriving and teachers and pupils have planted around a dozen lemon trees around the girls’ boarding school.



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