2021-11: Tobi’s internship report

A month has now passed since I arrived at the Maisha Mazuri Children Centre. Looking back on my arrival, I can only say that everyone including management, staff and children welcomed me warmly. Immediately on the second day after the introduction to the school, I visited part of the primary school in class with the MCC children and answered their questions about the country of Germany. Everyone was very happy about my visit.

The plants on the farm grow and especially the bananas produce a good yield. However, it was been very dry and all crops desperately needed rain. The children are always enthusiastic about learning and always eager to acquire new knowledge. In mid November, the schools in Kenya were closed for a few days which gave the children some time to play soccer and play some games. On the weekend, we all helped to prepare (and eat) a wonderful meal together. It was an exceptional day.

At the end of November, Barbara Krohne und Helen Milkau from the German board of Hand in Hand für Kenia e.V. came to visit, which the children couldn’t wait for. One day after their arrival we visited the swimming pool Savanna built by a Kenyan lawyer. Not only could they swim in the pool but also ate some chicken, chips and had soft drinks afterward. This was an extraordinary experience for the children, as such activities are not common for them, and made it a clear highlight in November. The next day, it finally rained – it rained the whole day and the river, which was dried up completely the day before, was completely filled with water.

In summary, it can be said that not much has changed at the Maisha Mazuri Children Center in November. Nevertheless, the children are still motivated to continue their education in school and the MCC is not just an organization for them, but rather a large family with support.

Tobias Krigers

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