1909 laps for the Maisha Mazuri Children Centre in Kenya

That’s what 137 pupils from Gaimersheim Gymnasium achieved on 11 July 2024 at the 10th traditional charity run, raising an impressive total of almost 6,000 euros. The distance they covered together in one hour is as long as the distance between Munich and Flensburg, i.e. once across Germany! The symbolic donation cheque of almost 6,000 euros was presented by Mrs Strassburg together with the student representatives and successful runners to Mrs Maria Riegg, an employee of the ‘Hand in Hand for Kenya’ association.

But the pupils from Gaimersheim were not the only ones to support our organisation financially in this sportive way.

In addition to the Gymnasium in Gaimersheim, the school families of the primary school at Gotzinger Platz in Munich supported us again this year with a generous donation of almost 7,400 euros, as well as the primary school in Baar-Ebenhausen with around 500 euros and the Max-Planck grammar school with around 700 euros. The Theresien Gymnasium in Munich is once again in the high four-digit range with its donation this year!

Over 300 pupils from Franz-Marc-Gymnasium in Markt Schwaben ran over 10,000 stadium laps this year, raising a sensational total of almost 14,500 euros, closely followed by Thomas-Mann Gymnasium in Munich with an equally impressive total of almost 13,000 euros.

Although the fundraising runs are of course less about ‘top sporting performance’ and more about ‘making a difference together’, all participants deserve the greatest respect for their sporting achievements. Thanks to your sporting, organisational and, above all, social commitment, our association can look forward to the end of the year with confidence and even implement one or two small outstanding projects such as furniture for boarding rooms, retrofitting the school library or a two-week holiday programme at the school.

We would like to sincerely thank all of our sponsors, who were once again very generous this year and thus made such extremely pleasing sums possible. A big thank you also goes to the sporty student, as well as the school management, teachers and all the organisers and helpers. Without your commitment and dedication, events like this would not be possible and projects like ours would hardly be realisable.

Asante Sana

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